Interactive Map / Cheat menu is shifted, what to do ?
Turn off-screen scaling if it is enabled (set it to 100%)
If you like to play in Full Screen mode, and you have stretched the game resolution from 2560x1440 windowed to your monitor resolution of 3840x2160 for Full Screen mode, then the solution to your problem is below.
You can:
a) Set the maximum screen resolution of the game to match the maximum resolution of your screen 3840x2160 main monitor = 3840x2160 game resolution (If it is important for you to play in this mode)
b) Reduce the resolution of your display (screen) in Windows settings to a value acceptable to you (DON'T TOUCH THE SCALE TAB!!!). And after entering the game you will have in your settings the maximum resolution that you set (was 3840 you set 2560 in the display settings, so the maximum resolution of the game on the whole screen will be 2560).
Last updated